  of assignment

What do we offer?

Разработка, апробация и внедрение новых образовательных технологий дополнительного профессионального образования региона
Проекты и программы дополнительного профессионального образования: повышение квалификации, переподготовки.
Обучающие семинары, образовательные форумы, педагогические мастерские, мастер-классы
Разработка и реализация исследовательских проектов и программ, изучающих проблемы, потребности, социальный заказ на современное образование в нашей республике

Our mission

--- LEARN ahead  of assignment ---

Creation of modern conditions for the professional formation and development of teachers, specialists, and leaders of educational systems that ensure the accelerated development of the economy and social sphere of the country.

The SMART CENTER policy is to support the Mission and is aimed at:

• satisfaction of a relevant and promising state and social order for advanced advanced vocational education that meets modern requirements of the state and international standards;
• continuous improvement of the quality of educational, expert and analytical, research, technological, scientific and methodological products and services in the system of additional professional education;
• increasing openness and wide public participation in the process of designing managerial decisions in the education system of the Republic of Karelia;
• creation of an effective mechanism of public-state monitoring and independent examination of the quality of the implementation of educational programs in the Republic of Karelia;
• support of productive mechanisms of interagency public-state interaction for solving acute problems of the education system of Karelia;
• Formation of modern innovative dialogue platforms for a wide discussion of the acute problems of the development of the education system of the Republic of Karelia, the Russian Federation together with the network community of public partner organizations.
• consolidation of the expert potential of educational institutions of the Republic of Karelia, focused on the future needs of the national economy, regional economies, Russian cooperation.